WEB 3.0 – what is it?

WEB 3.0

The Internet, to which we are accustomed and it is already difficult to imagine life without it, is several decades old. It seems to be exaggerated. But if you dig around in the global network, you can easily find out that the first ever website was created in 1991. Of course it was primitive, it was only possible to examine static pages, and nothing more. But as you know, the process is not standing still. So the global network has been improving every year. It is possible to look for information on the Internet without going to libraries, reading books, watching films, working and communicating with people on social networks. What else do you need to have a good time online? 

The Internet, which was at the beginning of its development, is called Web 1. The Internet that we use today – Web 2. And as we said earlier – progress does not stand still and already on the horizon we see a new branch of the Internet, which is called Web 3. What is the future of Web 3.0 and what it will bring to human life, all this will be discussed in this article.

Web 1, Web 2, Web 3

In the first version of the internet everything was static. To put it bluntly, users could only read the information they found online. In order to access a particular site, it was necessary to know the exact address of the page to visit, because the usual search engines have not yet come up.

The Internet was invented and created in 1989 by Timothy John Bemers-Lee. His idea was simple: he wanted people to be able to find information on the Internet. In fact, it was, but it was only possible to discuss the information received offline

This continued until the mid-1990s. At that time, Netscape Navigator created a new browser with features that we still use today. 

Web 1 remained unchanged until around 2004-2005.

In 2004, at the Web 2.0 conference, where O’Reilly Media and MediaLive participated, there were a large number of applications that were built on the Web.

A year later, the world saw the video hosting site YouTube. The site, where you can share and watch diverse video content, has become an important branch of the Internet’s evolution, which has shown that the global network is moving into the era of dynamic content.

From that point on, Internet users could interact with web pages and maintain online communication with each other, while each could create their own content.

Web 3.0 is a completely new concept of the Internet. Users can now not only read information on the Internet, create content and communicate, but also own anything. Giving a precise definition of Web 3.0 is still a difficult task. However, crypto-enthusiasts and developers in the crypto industry say that Web 3 takes the technology and concepts that are at the heart of cryptocurrencies. Namely, decentralisation, the token economy and blockchain.

Today Web 3 has a variety of technologies and projects. These include: DeFi: Decentralised Finance, NFT, DAO: Decentralised Autonomous Organisation.

The main concept of Web 3 is to make searching the global web much faster and more convenient. Web 3 does not have centralised bases, instead there is a blockchain.  

Web 3 is exactly what the Internet needed today, to make it even more advanced.