Pokemon Sword and Shield |Pokemon Journey New Release Date on Netflix

Pokémon sword

Do you want to relive your childhood? Well! There would be no better way than streaming Pokémon sword and shield online on Netflix. To begin with, Pokémon started as a video game series, however, later, it continued streaming on television networks for longer than 2 decades. Now, Pokemon Company International has contracted with Netflix for the airing of a new pokemon anime series for worldwide audiences. 

For the most part, at the ending of 2019, Pokémon aired in Japan. Later, it attracted an audience in South Korea and now, as mentioned before, it will air on Netflix soon. Thus, Let’s see what more we have for you about the brand-new Pokemon Sword and Shield anime series on Netflix.

What is Pokemon Sword and Shield in English New Release Date?

Here’s good news for our valuable readers. Pokémon Sword and Shield’s new release date is 12 June 2020. Well! We all should keep our fingers crossed as due to the coronavirus epidemic across the globe, several web series on Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Hulu got delayed. The list includes:

In conclusion, up until now, Netflix has announced a pokemon sword and shield with a trailer in its coming soon section. Alongside this, Netflix is also bringing Pokemon Journey’s latest episodes to the viewer’s screen on the same date. Furthermore, The series will be available in various languages among which English dubbed is one. 

Is there a Pokémon journeys trailer available in English?

Yes! Netflix has released a brand-new Pokemon Journeys trailer on 23 April 2020 on its youtube channel “Netflix futures.” Check this trailer out:

But, wait! Seems like we are forgetting the most awaiting Pokemon Sword and Shield Episode 23. When is that coming? Will it air on Netflix? Well! Let’s find out:

When are Pokemon Sword and Shield Episode 23 coming out?

Pokemon sword and shield episode 22 released on 19 April 2020. However, due to COVID-19’s horrific circumstances across the globe, the next episode is delayed for broadcasting on TV Tokyo and other networks. Although, the company has decided to air all the episodes from the beginning at the same time, a.k.a Sunday at 3 pm. (time may be different in other countries, if applicable for broadcast).

List of Episodes:
  1. A Sobble-ing Start to our adventure
  2. A Legendary Wolf in WooLoo Clothing
  3. I can’t Beleaf this Pokemon Lab
  4. Sneaky Foxes and stray puppy Pokemon in the Garden
  5. Wishing Stars and Quick Footed Foxes
  6. All Aboard for Wild New Adventures
  7. Flight of a Frantic Feathery Pidove
  8. Koffing Class Curry Camping Disaster
  9. A Pair of Orphaned Eevee and Meowth brothers
  10. A Dynamax love match
  11. Blissful Battles at the Pokemon Coffee Cafeé
  12. Big City Life, Big City Surprises
  13. Hidden Treasures of the Big City
  14. Stop Yelling at Budew, You Jerks!
  15. Cheering on the Champion Ceremony!
  16. A Successfully Stinky Camping Trip
  17. Those are Pokémon, not food!
  18. Sparkling Crystal of the Gemstone Cave
  19. Chomping on the cave crystals
  20. Zig-Zag Fangs of Galarian Meowth
  21. Wrangling a Flock of Wiley Wooloo
  22. An Overgrown Gardening Battle
  23. Harvesting Up Fields of Pokemon
  24. Little Lost Galarian Meowth Kittens
  25. Adopting a new baby pokemon
  26. Across the Bridge of Feathers
  27. A Pokemon Fishing trip that bites back
  28. An Egg appears in Sobble’s bucket
  29. Washed away in the water stadium
  30. A Leafy discovery in the flower market
  31. An Evolution of Sobbl-ing heart
  32. Stun-fisked in the Galar Mines
  33. A Brilliant Start to the New year
  34. A Gemstone infused evolution

Above all, Up until now, only 22 episodes of Pokemon Sword and Shield season 1 have been released. Stay tuned to our website for more!

Pokémon shield
Image credit: businessinsider.com

Pokémon Sword and Shield Anime series Vs. Nintendo switch 

Moving on, The production company of Pokemon has not solely worked on brand-new Pokemon sword and shield, but it has also recently released a new generation Pokemon sword and shield role-playing video games on Nintendo Switch. Not only this, but it also won the SXSW Gaming Award for the trending game of the year. Thus, if you are the biggest fan of Pokémon, it is time to explore everything that Pokemon creators are bringing to the table. 

In the meantime, come back to our platform for more information, Pokémon next episode spoiler alerts and teasers.