Vitamin D deficiency is a rising issue in the last few years. In nations like India, the cases of lack of vitamin D in the body are increasing. This issue arises more in pregnancy and they have to heed very careful attention to this. When there is a lack of any vitamin in the body, it has numerous side effects. Lack of vitamin D in pregnancy also has a major impact on the health of the child along with the mother.
During labor, children have a higher chance to increase obesity when they are congenital and adults when a vitamin-D deficiency occurs. It has been talked about in research. Children born from the womb of a mother who is deficient in vitamin-D levels are more likely to expand or become fat by the age of 6.
These children have 2% more fat than children of mothers who take sufficient vitamin-D in the initial years. “These growths don’t seem a lot, but we are not discussing adults who have 30 percent body fat,” told Wait Lida Chatzhi, assistant professor at the University of Southern California in the US.
Vitamin-D deficiency is popularly called as ‘sunshine vitamin’. It also comes with the risk of heart disease, cancer, multiple sclerosis, and type 1 diabetes. Chatzhi explained that about 95 percent of the vitamin-D in your body comes from sunlight. The rest of the five percent comes from foods like eggs, fat fish, cod liver oil, milk, cheese, yogurt, and cereals.
Identifying the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency can help to cure the condition, and one symptom to look after is that of sleep deprivation.
An ever-growing body of research shows vitamin D’s has a huge impact on how much sleep people get and how sound their sleeping pattern is.